Real Life Info
- Name: Sadie
- Age: 18
- Location: UK
- Tell us about yourself: Hello im sadie, im 18 years old- 19 in may xD Im from the uk- somerset, currently unemployed so have a huge amount of gaming time lol. Im such a geek I know. I have a bf called rich, been with him for nearly 2 years. He started playing wow with me but sort of quit when I out leveled him and went to play Lotro with his friend lol. I have 2 dogs and a guinea-pig! Me and my sister live with our grandparents as our mum and stepdad work and currently live abroad. Im a chatty friendly person, I do like to moan about things lol but in a humorous manner xD
Ive been playing wow since april last year, I have 2 level 70's and a bunch of alts in there 20's and 30's. My favourite class is the hunter. Theyre pretty easy to play, I enjoy the whole pet aspect and well yes they're just very nifty. I also enjoy healing classes. Ive done alot of PvP... probably too much lol so I enjoy PvE alot more though wouldn't mind joining a guild arena group or just doing a couple of premades on the side.
WoW info
- Character's Name: Sadrith
- Class: Warlock
- Level: 1
- Intended spec at max level: If it was any other class I could probably show you but there are afair few viable raid specs for warlocks so i'd prefer the opportunity to play around with them for ahwile and see what works best for me. Im thinking destrucion... though I do quite like the look of affliction too.
- Previous WoW experience: I have two level 70's on the Nagrand realm.
With my hunter i've cleared Kara, Gruuls, Maggy.
SSC: hyrdross, lurker, leotheras, karathress & Vashj.
TK: Al'ar, Voidreaver, Solarian. (started on Kael, upto phase 3 or 4 I forget.)
- Reason for rerolling: Im in a hardcore raiding guild, or was... i'm on a break at the moment. I feel very stressed, and though the people are wonderfull (really are such a great guild, no lie) I dunno im just very unhappy. Raidings starting to feel like a chore, with little reward at the end of it. I feel very negative toward the game in general right now and am considering quitting altogether. I don't want to play my main anymore, or any of my alts its that bad. Ive started playing Lotro infact, but theres still apart of me that misses the game, and I don't want to leave with such a negative feel towards it. I think what I needs a new start with new people. I desperately need new friends and a guild with a more relaxed feel toward raiding. Not too lax as I like to progress and explore all the game content, but somewhere that I can actually enjoy it too. Honestly I would have preffered a guild that had only just rerolled as I understand you've already got afew 70's and you'll all have already bonded, but im hoping i'll be able to fit in nicely and catch up with you guys ^.^
- What can you bring to Sacrament?: Me! lol im fairly chatty, and have been known to be funny on occasion haha honest.
- What are your expectations of Sacrament?: A steady raiding guild with a social heart. Friendly players is a must xD. I rerolled with a horde guild quite awhile back, and some of the people were just awfull. I didn't have any arguements with anyone myself as I prefer not to get involved with such things especially if it involves the GM or Officers, but when you see someone being rude to others for no reason at all it just puts you off. So I wasn't there long.
- Do you currently have any applications to other guilds outstanding?:
- What are your usual play times, and are you able to fit in with our intended raid schedule?: Unemployed so yes lol.
- Do you have a stable internet connection that can handle 25 man raids?: Indeed I do. Well I do get the occasional disconnect but nothing thats caused any serious problems.
- Have you used Ventrilo/Teamspeak before?: Yes I use Ventrilo.
- Have you read and agree with the guild rules etc in the 'Whats it all about?' thread?: Yeps xd
- Anything else you want to add?:
Im not really fussed about the class, I enjoy hunters, shamans and druids too but it looked like you needed locks the most so here I am.